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YKHC recognizes and thanks long-term employees at Years of Service Celebration

On October 25, YKHC had a Years of Service Celebration at the hospital in Bethel for employees who had reached their 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 year continuous work anniversary at YKHC in 2022. (Employees who reach that anniversary in 2023 will be invited to the 2023 event, currently planned for December.)

In his opening remarks, President & CEO Dan Winkleman expressed, “Today we want to celebrate your hard work and loyalty to YKHC. Especially, your investment in YKHC as your employer of choice.”

YKHC knows that one of the most important factors in providing quality healthcare for our customers is the retention of employees who contribute to our mission of Working Together To Achieve Excellent Health.

There are many things that an employee must consider in order to decide to stay in an organization—a healthy work environment, good coworkers and managers, and opportunities for professional development. The organization must also consider the types of employee benefits that they will offer to their employees to encourage long-term retention.

Aside from those aspects, we would like to take a moment to shed a light on what it is that keeps individuals working for YKHC.

Allison Samuelson, a registered nurse with 15 years of service at YKHC, shares that, “One of the main reasons that keeps me employed at YKHC is our people. Our people deserve honest, straightforward care. I strive to treat each patient with respect, and how I would hope that my family and I would be treated by each employee at YKHC. It is an honor to serve the YK Delta and advocate for our health care needs.”

Elsie Chanar works as a lab assistant in Toksook Bay, where she has been sharing her talents as an employee of the sub-regional clinic for more than 15 years. Elsie stated she appreciates that working at YKHC has allowed her to have a job on Nelson Island, so she can spend her free time with her family and on subsistence activities.

Carvalena Oster is celebrating 20 years of service at YKHC. When asked to sum up what keeps her working for this organization, she said two things—her resolve to never giving up, and the help of so many good managers who encouraged her professional growth throughout the years.

Two employees were honored for their 30 years of service—Dr. Joseph Klejka and Ivy Riley. Dr. Klejka came to Bethel as a family physician in the early 1990s and found that the people of the YK Delta were gentle, kind, and welcoming. This, he knew, was a place where he can practice medicine and get to know whole families. “The other reason I love working here,” he said, “is that I get to work with the best employees anywhere.”

Quyana, Dogidinh, Thank you, to all of our YKHC employees in the following lists for all your years of service. (Photos from the event are included below.)

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