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Mental Health Awareness Month events and resources!

May is Mental Health Month and is recognized for the purpose of promoting awareness, offering resources and education, and for the mental health well-being of everyone through increase in suicide prevention and more access to behavioral health services. Be on the lookout for various events and campaigns in the Napartet News, on Facebook and Instagram, as well as the YKHC website. Read more about the Excellent Health radio show, employee mental health spotlight and a Three Mile race on May 18.

Excellent Health radio show

On this episode of Excellent Health, Behavioral Health Administrator Adrienne Gregory shares information about the behavioral health services that YKHC provides in Bethel and in the villages. She also shares information about some exciting events that will take place throughout the month of May. Listen to the episode here.

Mental Health Employee Spotlights

Throughout the month, we will be shining a spotlight on various employees who share what they do to keep up with their mental health on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Below is the first employee spotlight. If you would like to be featured in an upcoming post, please reach out to

Three Mile Race on Saturday, May 18

The Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation’s Behavioral Health department is excited to announce a three-mile race in honor of Mental Health Month beginning at 12 p.m., Saturday, May 18, 2023.

The Mental Health Month Three Mile Walk or Run Race is a free event. All individuals and families are invited to participate and no advance sign up is required. The starting line (which is also the finish line) will be at Community Health Services Building (CHSB) across from the hospital. The race course will be a one-mile loop, following the trail to Standard Oil Road, continuing along the highway toward the hospital and back toward the starting line. Participants must complete three laps on the route to finish the race. The course will be clearly marked for all participants.

Representatives from various behavioral health programs will attend the even with information about the many services that YKHC provides. “During this month,” states Elizabeth Lyons, YKHC’s Behavioral Health Directing Clinician, “we’ll be focusing on three key areas, we will learn about the resources available to help us navigate through mental illnesses, we can act by building a coping toolbox for managing stress, difficult emotions, and challenging situations, and we can advocate together toward improving mental health services and suicide prevention efforts in our community.”

All participants will be eligible for drawing of random prizes. Please come and join us on May 18 by lacing up your running shoes in support of Mental Health Month.

In our October 2023 issue of YKHC’s quarterly Messenger, we shared information on resources for behavioral health support when you encounter someone who may be suffering from a mental illness. See below.

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