Napartet News ARCHIVE

We want to hear from you!

YKHC strives to have effective and reliable channels to communicate important information to all of you, our employees. Some of the ways that we do this is through the Napartet News and through the quarterly Senior Leadership Team (SLT)/Employee forums.

How are we doing with communications? Please take the survey, which only has 7 questions and takes up to 3 minutes of your time to fill out. See below for the questions.

  1. How often do you read the Napartet News?
  2. How do you prefer to receive important, company-wide updates, such as safety updates, employee reviews, information strategic planning, etc.?
  3. Do you have any ideas that you think will make the Napartet News more useful to you?
  4. Do you attend the quarterly SLT/employee forums?
  5. Do you have any ideas that you think might make the employee forums more useful to you?
  6. Do you follow YKHC on Facebook and Instagram?
  7. Which option describes best where you work?


  1. Please download, print and post the flyer below on your huddle boards or wherever your employees will be most likely to see it.
  2. Let your employees who do not have access to a computer know that they can stop by the Employee Health department at the hospital and use an iPad to quickly complete the survey. If possible, please call extension 6321 before you stop by ensure to they are in the office.

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