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2021 Employee Performance Reviews are completed with 99.8% of completions

Thank you to each employee for the meticulous work on 2021 performance reviews. Each of us has worked diligently on our employee self-evaluations since January, and then our managers reviewed our work performance after that. Human Resources managers reviewed each of those evaluations, then senior administrators reviewed them next. Once they were returned to our managers, and individual employees met with supervisors to go over them, the evaluations are complete. Meeting a completion rate of 99.8% is outstanding work, and it shows the care and thoughtfulness that went into the process for all of us. 

As we work together to achieve excellent health for our communities, YKHC focuses on creating a work culture where employees are valued, safe and treated with respect. Managers care about what employees think, and we seek employee involvement in all aspects of YKHC work. This performance review process is a piece of that valuing of all staff. 

All managers took performance review time as an opportunity to share how their employees’ work performance relates to our mission, and to discuss how each employee can take accountability for his/her work. 

Also, managers may have encouraged their staff to continue their professional development, and therefore, they were able to use this evaluation as a time to help employees determine their own personal objectives and career aspirations. YKHC offers opportunities for advancement of all our employees, and the performance review process allowed staff and managers to discuss the future for all of us. 

Thank you for the time and effort you all put into the performance review process!

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