Napartet News ARCHIVE

Lean journey update and upcoming Lean A3 workshop

YKHC’s Lean Transformation Journey Continues

Earlier this week, YKHC formally kicked-off their partnership with Virginia Mason Institute with an interactive cornerstone presentation.

Dr. Ingrid Gerbino, Chief Innovation Officer at VMI, explored the role of senior leaders in driving and sustaining organizational change, and why an aligned organizational culture of continuous improvement from boardroom to bedside was critical for sustainable success.

The session concluded with the four requirements of organization culture transformation:
· Sense of urgency
· Visible and committed leadership
· Shared vision
· Aligned expectations

As a reminder, the VMI team will be on site in Bethel from April 10–14 to engage YKHC managers and staff in interviews and department observations.

These confidential interviews will provide a better understanding of our culture, what you see as struggles in your daily work, and what’s important to you.

Upcoming Lean A3 Workshop, returning to live format

After months of Zoom training sessions, the Lean A3 workshops return to live in-person format.

The next Lean A3 workshop is scheduled for Friday, April 8, in the large Blueberry conference room from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., including lunch. Armed with our new YKHC workbook, you will leave with a fresh perspective and a range of problem solving tools: work flow and value stream mapping, 5-S organization, mistake proofing, and A3 templates.

E-mail Marc Sauve at to hold a spot at this first Friday Lean workshop.

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