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Filling out “Feedback Ticket Entry” in Quantros involving staff

When filling out comments in Feedback Manager about staff, it is very helpful to make sure to use the options where you can select the staff’s name from a drop-down list.  It is not searchable when the staff’s name is just added to the “Notes” section of the data entry. For “Complaints”, choose “Care Provider Issue” and then choose from the appropriate category from the drop-down menu. 

Please remember that all items marked with a red asterisk (*) must be filled out or the ticket will not be submitted. 

A final note: For the ticket to be processed, be sure to click the “Submit Feedback” button.  If this button is not selected, the ticket will show as “incomplete” and not be processed. 

Please contact Mark Overton (x6165) in Performance Improvement if you have any questions about the “Feedback Ticket Entry” process. If he is unavailable, anyone in  Performance Improvement will be happy to help. 

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