Napartet News ARCHIVE

You’re invited: Slice, Plate, and Drink of Hope

You are all invited to donate for a slice, plate, and drink of hope!

Many of you know our nurse Lee Adesuyi, who has worked in Long-term care, Pediatrics, and now in Specialty clinic. We are coming together to fundraise for his brother Adesanya to pay for a kidney transplant. Adesanya is in end-stage kidney disease and is in need of a new kidney.

Let’s help get him to his goal!

There will be home-made brick-oven pizza and spaghetti made with organic noodles made by our Family Nurse Practitioner, Tom Miller. There will also be fresh-blended fruit smoothies and home-made pretzels.

The event will be hosted in new YKHC housing, just look for signs around the post office to find the location. The fundraiser will be held this Saturday at noon to 4 p.m.

Email or tigertext Danika Bailie for questions and or details for alternative donations.

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