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YKHC has resumed universal masking requirements

In response to wide circulation of the highly-transmissible Delta variant, yesterday the CDC published revised guidance recommending people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 wear a mask in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high transmission.

Based on this updated guidance, effective since Thursday, July 29, YKHC has returned to universal masking requirements for all individuals on our campus, regardless of vaccination status or work area. This includes but is not limited to all employees (including those in administrative or non-clinical areas), visiting guests, contractors, and patients.

This means a mask that covers your nose and mouth is now required indoors at all times. Please keep in mind, if you sit at a desk, a mask is required all the time. Additionally, if two or more staff are in a YKHC vehicle, all individuals must be masked at all times.

All individuals are encouraged to use their own masks. Beginning on page 3, YKHC’s Procedure on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during the COVID-19 Outbreak outlines what masks are acceptable for use, such as homemade cloth masks, YKHC-made masks (sterile wrap), surgical masks, and N95 respirators. Gators and bandanas do not meet YKHC guidelines for use. Managers can request masks for employees in their department by Tiger Texting the “PPE COVID-19” list.

YKHC is not making any changes to in-person work requirements at this time and continues to support a symptom-free workplace. Further, YKHC will continue to evaluate and monitor these requirements, keeping employees updated as conditions evolve.

Opting for safe vaccination against COVID-19 is a highly-effective tool in returning to a sense of normalcy, while also protecting you and your loved ones from serious illness or complications. Still considering vaccination? Talk with a trusted healthcare provider about your concerns or to ask questions.

Getting vaccinated is easy. Fill out the online form or simply walk in to the Wellness Center on the second floor of the hospital between 8-10 a.m. or 3-6 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Quyana for your commitment to excellent health in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.

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