Napartet News ARCHIVE

YKHC teams enjoy holiday celebrations

Many departments throughout the organization gathered for holiday fun this month. Thanks to the teams from Office of Environmental Health and Engineering (OEHE) and Emergency Services Department (EMS) and Toksook Bay sub-regional clinic for sharing photos of your festivities.


The spirit of the holiday season was keenly felt in the Office of Environmental Health and Engineering (OEHE) and Emergency Services Department (EMS) this past week. Happy and enthusiastic employees from both departments and invited guests gathered in the EMS training room in CHSB to celebrate the season.

The variety of delectable main dishes, sides, and succulent desserts that graced the lunch table was most fitting for the occasion. Everyone in attendance basked in the festive atmosphere of food, fun, and laughter, punctuated by anticipation and sighs of surprise as the “White Elephant” gifts were exchanged and opened.

Everyone left the party with smiles, food, and gifts as hearts were grateful for shared moments in the spirit of the holiday season.


The Toksook Bay sub-regional clinic (TSRC) is pleased to share some of our door decorations to celebrate Christmas and some pictures of our party. Thanks to YKHC for making the holiday celebration possible for the staff! The food was wonderful and we had fun playing the “White Elephant” gift exchange game.

Our staff had fun decorating their doors and the Aniak sub-regional clinic staff participated by selecting the winning door for a prize.  All doors were greatly decorated and it was a joy feeling the spirit of the staff.

With the joy of the holidays, we also wish all the best to Lucy, our outgoing registration technician. She worked for YKHC for 5.5 years and she has been integral in the training of our new registration clerks. We will miss you and we wish you all the best in your future goals. Quyana cakneq Lucy for being part of the TSRC!

Quyana everyone. Happy holidays and be safe!

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