Napartet News ARCHIVE

Remembering Shane McIntyre

YKHC Remote Maintenance Worker (RMW), Shane McIntyre, passed away in a boating accident on the river August 30, 2022. As an RMW, Shane trained local water and waste water operators how to safely operate their utilities. Shane often taught classes in Bethel and traveled around the region to assist RMWs and water plant operators in YK Delta communities.

Shane has been a great asset to our department handling all the needs at our warehouse as he repaired and shipped equipment to villages all over the YKHC service area, in addition to his regular duties with working with water plant operators in his assigned villages. He was always looking for creative ways to solve problems, and could be counted on to come up with away to accomplish the task with whatever he could find laying around. Shane was a true “MacGyver” able to make things work out what others saw as junk. 

Shane was also instrumental in doing welding and Mechanical work last year to assist with the Hooper Bay Sewage lagoon emergency repair. Shane also was instrumental in the Tuluksak water system rebuild after they lost thier water plant to a fire, traveling by snow machine and truck to move and install the treatment system.

In addition to being a gifted RMW, Shane loved to hunt and fish, and spend time with his family. He had an incredible sense of humor, and was loved by all his coworkers. We had a group chat of RMW that we used daily whether we were on PTO or at work to discuss work and keep in touch with each other’s lives daily, Shane has been greatly missed.  Our sincerest condolences to his friends and family. We will all miss him tremendously.

Bob White, OEHE

Our five children and I would like to send a thank you to all those who supported our family during this difficult time since Shane went missing on the river. I truly appreciate the people who donated their PTO to me so I could take the time I needed to be with my children. I also appreciate the monetary support from many individuals. Bethel is a beautiful community that always amazes me with the support system.

Melanie McIntyre

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