Napartet News ARCHIVE

We want your feedback on YKHC’s recruiting and hiring practices!

As we continue to structure our Angyaq Quality System, as part of our travel on the river towards excellence, we are collaborating with Virginia Mason Institute (VMI) to implement Lean tools and methods. The Angyaq Quality System is the methodology for working towards corporate goals and improving our standards in providing safe and high-quality healthcare that elevates the customer’s experience. Please read the recent announcement here to learn more about the Angyaq Quality System. 

As part of YKHC’s contract with VMI, we will conduct a Rapid Improvement Event (RIE) this fall. This event will focus on Recruiting and Hiring practices. In preparation for this event, we are gathering feedback and perspective from hiring managers and employees hired between March and September this year. 

If you are a hiring manager or a recent new hire, we invite you to participate in a brief survey about your experiences with YKHC’s hiring practices. We aim to use this information to improve how we welcome new employees to YKHC. 

Please click here for the brief survey for new employees hired in the last six months. 

For hiring managers, we kindly ask you to complete this short survey.

Your valued insight is essential, and all feedback will be collected anonymously. If you have any questions, please contact or

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