Napartet News ARCHIVE

Safety Message: Pedestrian and traffic safety

Many of us are walking outside more this time of year. Review these tips to ensure you staying as safe as possible as a pedestrian.

Ø  When crossing between YKDR Hospital and CHSB, activate the traffic light before crossing. This light will allow on-coming traffic to stop and allow you to cross safety.

Ø  Look both ways before crossing.  Do not run, you might trip, fall or slip on ice.

Ø  Be predictable. Follow the rules of the road and obey signs and signals.

Ø  Walk on sidewalks whenever they are available. 

Ø  If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible.

Ø  Keep alert at all times; don’t be distracted by electronic devices.

Ø  Cross streets at crosswalks or intersections, where drivers expect pedestrians.

Ø  Look for cars in all directions, including those turning left or right.

Ø  Never assume a driver sees you. Make eye contact with drivers as they approach to make sure you are seen.

Ø  Be visible at all times. Wear bright clothing during the day, and wear reflective materials or use a flashlight at night.

Ø  Watch for cars entering or exiting from CHSB or hospital parking lots.

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