Napartet News ARCHIVE

Change to the meal ticket and dietary supplies request

The process for requesting meal tickets and dietary supplies has changed. The request will now be on Access eForms. It can be found by going to the eForms Catalog and selecting Employee Forms. Once there, please select Dietary Requisition. Once the form has been opened there are several boxes that need to be filled in.

For meal tickets, you will need to enter the amount of each denomination you are requesting. For supplies and catering requests, please attach your request to the form. Once the request is placed, it will go through an approval process and sent to Dietary.

Please allow at least 24 hours for your request to be approved and filled. This change takes effect immediately. If your department is used to sending in daily requests, please be aware of this new procedure and, if you need immediate nutritional supplies, please have your manager contact Robert Hodges at ext. 6504 or via TigerText. For departments that request meal tickets, please note the lead time for the approval process and place your request when you are getting low, before you run out.

For questions, please reach out to your Finance Administrator or contact Robert Hodges via the methods listed above. Thank you for your patience as we transition to this new procedure.

Robert Hodges, Executive Chef

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