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Did you test for COVID-19 in July? Last chance to sign up for the COVID-19 study!

The research team is seeking healthcare workers that were tested for COVID-19 during July 2021! If you have not yet participated in the study and have no prior history of COVID-19, please sign up to participate. It’s a great way to support science, help researchers better understand COVID-19, and represent the YK Delta in a national study. Don’t miss your chance to make history!

If you previously signed up for the study, you might be wondering why you haven’t heard from us. First, we enroll one healthcare worker with a positive test, also called a “case.” Then, we randomly select three participants with negative tests, or “controls.” The tests must be from the same timeframe, which is why we are seeking employees that tested in July.

The study team would like to send a BIG thank you to those who have enrolled so far! Ninety-one participants have completed interviews.

To sign up, contact the study team at or Jenni Dobson at 543-6095.

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