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All employee performance self-evaluations are past due

All Employee Performance Evaluations need to be completed in HealthStream.

As outlined in YKHC’s Employee Performance Evaluation Policy HR_005, each employee is required to have annual performance evaluations. All Employee Self-Evaluations were due last Friday, February 12.

If you have not already done so, please log-in to HealthStream today to complete your

The purpose of the performance evaluation is to review expectations, employee goals, and to assist employees in reaching their full potential. Our intention is to assess our employee’s achievements in relation to their job description and against organizational, team, and individual performance objectives.

As we work together to achieve excellent health across the YK-Delta, YKHC is focused on creating a work culture where employees feel valued, safe and respected. Leaders care about what employees think, and we seek our employee involvement in all aspects at YKHC. Our annual performance review is an opportunity for employees and managers to reflect on the many contributions, solutions and accomplishments throughout 2020. 

To prepare for your evaluation, please review the following resources:

Key Dates:

All Employee Self-Evaluations are now due
Manager Evaluations are DUE no later than Friday, March 5
All Evaluations must be signed and finalized no later than Friday, March 26

Human Resources is available to help employees through this important process. If you need assistance or have questions, please send an email to call ext. 6060.

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