Napartet News ARCHIVE

CHSB Doors Locked & Facial Hair Guidance

CHSB Doors Locked

Due to thefts and loitering, the front doors of the CHSB will be locked starting today. Staff will be required to park in the back or walk to the back door.

Facial Hair Guidance

For all of our hard working employees with beards: a proper fit to your N95 mask is essential to prevent the transmission of airborne illnesses from your patient to you. In the COVID-19 pandemic this includes any patient with COVID-19 or suspected COVID-19 who requires aerosols-generating procedures.

COVID-19 is a droplet virus as far as we know, but the following procedures generate aerosols and an N95 is the best protection against infection:

  • nasopharyngeal swab collection,
  • nebulizer treatments,
  • positive-pressure ventilation (including bag/mask/valve ventilation),
  • intubation
  • CPR

Our strong recommendation is that bearded employees shave their beards if their job requires an N95. You cannot be properly protected against disease if your N95 does not fit properly and our health care workers are our most precious resource in the fight against COVID-19.

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