Napartet News ARCHIVE

Diabetes Awareness Month Comes to a Close

DP&C served a delicious, healthy breakfast for Nursing Grand Rounds this month for everyone to enjoy while we discussed foot exams for people with diabetes.

As we come to the end of Diabetes Awareness Month, Diabetes Prevention and Control (DP&C) would like to thank everyone who participated in our awareness events this month. We have received many Diabetes screening worksheets back from our clinics and encourage the continued use of these throughout the remainder of this month. The clinic that submits the most screening sheets will receive a special prize! However, we also encourage you to continue using these screening tools outside of the month of November as they are a great way to ensure that we are able to intervene and potentially prevent patients with prediabetes from developing diabetes. If you have any questions on the screening tool, or other ways to help prevent or treat diabetes, please give us a call at 543-6133.

Take the Diabetes Risk Test here.


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