Napartet News ARCHIVE

Required internet security awareness training

YKHC partnered with Arctic Wolf to deliver information security awareness training to meet security standards and regulatory requirements.

The training sessions take less than five minutes each to complete. You should expect to see one general training session each month, which everyone is required to complete. You should also see one phishing test each month. If you fail a phishing test, you will be assigned an additional training session related to that test.

The general training and reminder messages for incomplete training are sent from the email address “Mark Jones – YKHC Managed Security Awareness <>” These are legitimate messages—they are not phishing tests. The phishing messages will come from email addresses outside of YKHC or Arctic Wolf.

If you missed any training sessions, you may receive daily messages with a list of sessions you have not completed. Make sure not to flag these messages as junk. You will need to click the links in these messages to complete your training. Those clicks will not be held against you. In fact, you will be awarded points for completing your training. So, with that in mind, let’s congratulate the folks listed in the Top 10 leaderboard as of November 29, 2023:

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