Napartet News ARCHIVE

Summer hire program appreciation

As this month draws to a close, we would be remiss to not acknowledge everyone who helped facilitate learning opportunities for our summer hires. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all the managers and supervisors and the support staff who took time out of their busy schedules to mentor, coach, and expose the students to the career possibilities available to them in our healthcare facilities.

The summer hires have come and gone and those we interviewed spoke volumes of kindness, patience, and support as they learned alongside employees in their respective departments. The program started on Friday, June 9, with the last of the students leaving us on Friday, August 11.

There may have been some rough bumps along the way, as is characteristic of any learning endeavor. These challenges, however, provided learning opportunities for all involved.

We applaud the managers, supervisors, and everyone who contributed in big and small ways to make our summer hire program a huge success by taking these young talents under their wings and sharing time, talent, and resources to provide a memorable work/learning experience.

Thank you so much for helping us to develop YKHC’s future workforce!

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