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New library resource available

The Kuskokwim Consortium Library is offering a new service called LinkedInLearning (formerly available to anyone with a Bethel library card. This is a professional development service where employees can gain professional certifications and get high quality training on a wide range of topics.

LinkedIn Learning is an award-winning industry leader in online training, with a digital library of over 16,000 courses covering a wide range of technical, business, software and creative topics. Launching with LinkedIn Learning is a strong commitment to provide e-learning opportunities to the community.

You may watch an entire course, or individual videos –some are as short as four or five minutes. You will be able to bookmark courses that suit your interests and keep track of the courses you have taken. You have the opportunity to refine or develop your professional skills, learn new software, and explore other areas as you plan for your career growth or pursue your passions.

The unique URL for accessing this resource is:

Note, you must have a library card with the Kuskokwim Library in order to access this resource. If you do not have one yet, you can call the Library Director, Theresa Quiner at 1(907)543-4517, or simply visit the library to get one.

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