Napartet News ARCHIVE

Christine Blake returns as Interim Contracts Manager

Please welcome back Christine Blake as the Interim Contracts Manager. 

Some of you may recall Christine worked in this role from 2016-2019.  The Contracts Manager is responsible for working with departments on the procurement process and getting agreements negotiated and executed. These agreements include standard contracts, independent contractor agreements, quotes, purchase orders, statements of work, affiliation agreements, grant agreements, memorandums of agreement/understanding, and so on.  Christine can also assist with Requests for Proposals and Requests for Qualifications. 

Please remember that only the YKHC President & CEO (or his express designee) is authorized to sign documents on behalf of YKHC.  Please submit documents which require signature to the Contracts Manager and General Counsel for processing.  You may contact Christine with contract/procurement requests or questions at, or    

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