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Random drug testing to begin next week

Over the last several weeks, YKHC has notified employees of its plans to implement random drug testing beginning May 2021. As stated, the Human Resources Department (HR) will work with a third-party vendor who will use a scientific methodology to randomly select one percent (1%) of the employee population for drug testing on a quarterly basis (every three months).

While the selection process will be random, the timing of testing will not. This is to help employees know what to expect.  

Beginning in May, testing will occur the second full week of the second month of the quarter. In other words, testing will occur the second full week of May, August, November, and February.  Accordingly, next week, HR will notify each employee who has been randomly selected for testing and provide her or him with instructions regarding the testing process.

Please contact HR with any questions at 907-543-6060 or (Human Resources Dept Mail List, HumanResourcesDeptMailList@YKHC.ORG)

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