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Medication Assisted Therapy Program and Referrals

What is MAT?

MAT, or “Medication Assisted Therapy,” is a combination of behavioral health and medications to help treat patients who are diagnosed with substance use disorder. Type of treatments include medication, group counseling, individual counseling, and residential treatment individually or together in combination. Since the start of YKHC’s MAT program over three years ago, we have rapidly grown—especially in the last couple of months. Our program now includes more than 70 patients living in the YK Delta.

How do I get my patient enrolled in the MAT program?

The MAT program now has a referral in PowerChart. If you have a patient who is interested in quitting opioids or alcohol, you could now refer them to the program. “Refer to MAT committee” is now an order in PowerChartPlease make sure to note a working number to contact the patient.

What type of medications are used?

Vivitrol, Suboxone and Sublocade are the commonly used medications in MAT. Vivitrol is a once per month injection to help with the use of alcohol or opioids; it is given more commonly for alcohol abuse. Suboxone is the medication used for opioid use disorder. Suboxone comes as a sublingual strip given daily. Sublocade is the subcutaneous injectable form of Suboxone given once per month to help fight the cravings associated with using opioids.

I have a question about the program. Who should I contact?

Many of us that work in the MAT program are available during regular working hours (9 a.m–5 p.m.) 

  • TigerText—Dr. Elizabeth Roll; Dr. Marsha Dunkley; Saundra Marion, FNP; Erin Newkirk, FNP; Antonio Gross, RN; Heidi Salsbury, PharmD; or Jody Brand, BH Clinician
  • Medical questions (MAT nurse)—ext. 6286
  • Behavioral health questions (Counselors)—ext. 6722
  • Pharmacy questions (Pharm controlled substances)—ext. 6969
  • After business hours, email or a referral would be best. Please e-mail Antonio Gross, RN, or Jody Brand, BH Clinician.

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