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Email security

A friendly reminder to all employees to be vigilant and aware of phishing emails. Below are tips on how to spot phishing emails and how to protect yourself (and the corporation) from becoming a victim. 

·         Be suspicious of unsolicited phone calls, visits, or email messages from individuals asking about employees or other internal information. If an unknown individual claims to be from a legitimate organization, try to verify his or her identity directly with the company that person claims to work for.

·         Check the From address of suspicious email messages: this can be done in Outlook by double clicking the From address at the top of the message. A box will open with an email address under the heading ‘Send Email’. If the email address does not end in then the message is NOT from a YKHC employee.

·         All email received from external sources is tagged at the top with [ External email message – this is not from YKHC ]Any email showing an email address that has this tag is NOT coming from a YKHC employee.

Learn how to quickly and easily “Report Spam

What do you do if you think you are a victim?

If you believe you might have revealed sensitive information about YKHC, report it to

If the information was revealed through an email message, in addition to contacting the Privacy Officer, send a copy of the message to Mark Jones.

Who do I contact for more information?

If you have additional questions about these types of emails or would like to learn more, contact YKHC Information Security at

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