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Safety Session of the Week: Slips, Trips and Falls

Fall safety should be a top priority. Construction workers are at the most risk for fatal falls from height, but falls can happen anywhere, and it is important to recognize potential hazards, both on the job and off. Plan ahead and use the right equipment.

·         Focus on where you’re going, what you’re doing, and what lies ahead.

·         Take responsibility for fixing, removing, or avoiding hazards in your path.

·         Wear sturdy shoes with non-skid soles and flat heels.

·         Walk, don’t run. 

·         Wipe your feet when you come in from rain or snow.

·         Watch out for floors that are uneven, have holes, etc.

·         Keep your hands at your sides, not in your pockets, for balance.

·         Don’t carry loads you can’t see over.

·         Walk slowly on slippery surfaces. —Slide your feet and avoid sharp turns.

·         Be constantly alert for—and remove or go around—obstructions in your path.

Source: National Safety Council (NSC)

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