Napartet News ARCHIVE

Update on YKHC’s Flu Shot Statistics

YKHC has been working very proactively to protect our patients, staff, and community from the flu this season.  We are pleased to report that 99% of our health care personnel received their seasonal flu shot this year, up 6% over last year.

With the flu season ending on June 30, 2020, we have given 10,178 doses of flu vaccine this year to our patients, staff, and community. This is an increase of 50% over the 2018-19 flu season and shows a continuing increase in the acceptance of flu vaccination as protection. This was a remarkable result, which is due to the efforts of many YKHC Health Aides, providers, nurses and other staff. Thanks to all of you for a job well done!

Flu vaccination is even more important this year because of the risk of getting infected with both the flu and COVID-19 at the same time. As we start a new flu vaccination season in September, it will be very important to make sure you get your seasonal flu shot which will provide your strongest protection from the flu. We look forward to seeing you then!

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