Napartet News ARCHIVE

Safety Session of the Week: Bicycle Safety

How can bicycle-related injuries and deaths be prevented? Effective Interventions.

Effective interventions to reduce injuries and fatalities to bicyclists include the following:

Bicycle Helmets

Bicycle helmets reduce the risk of head and brain injuries in the event of a crash.5 All bicyclists, regardless of age, can help protect themselves by wearing properly fitted bicycle helmets every time they ride.

Active lighting and rider visibility
  • Fluorescent clothing can make bicyclists visible from further away than regular clothing during the daytime.6
  • Retro-reflective clothing can make bicyclists more visible at night.6
  • Active lighting can include front white lights, rear red lights, or other lighting on the bicycle or bicyclist. This lighting may improve the visibility of bicyclists.

Information obtained from

Contact your safety team to report any safety issues: Director of Safety and Security ext. 6593 or Assistant Director of Safety and Security ext. 6590. Safety risks can also be reported using the online reporting system, Quantros.

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