Napartet News ARCHIVE

St. Mary’s SRC Joined St. Mary’s School Carnival

Vicki Lear, PA, Mikey Beans and his mom Jewellee Beans, CHP at the SSRC booth offering free flu shots to carnival-goers.

St. Mary’s sub-regional clinic participated in the annual St. Mary’s School Carnival on Tuesday October 29. Several team members volunteered to do flu shots and iron-on reflectors for carnival-goers. St. Mary’s SRC has been volunteering at the carnival for many years now and the community looks forward to the opportunity to get their flu shot in a convenient location and get the reflectors on their kids clothing before trick or treating.

Thank you to Jewellee Beans, CHP, Christopher Weingarth, CHA I, Clarence Johnson, Maintenance, Marian Ledlow, ESW, and Vicki Lear, PA-C for volunteering their time for this community event.

Thank you also to Alyssa Gustafson and her OEH team for letting us borrow her craft punches to offer some nice designs for the iron on reflectors!

Gail Alstrom-Beans, Operation’s Manager, St. Mary’s Sup-Regional Clinic

Clarence Johnson, SSRC Maintenance and Marian Ledlow doing free iron on reflectors at the carnival.
Sharlene Paukan, Maintenance shows off her Halloween decorated cookie promoting flu shots

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