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All employees required to have the 2019/20 flu shot by Oct. 31

As a healthcare organization, YKHC is committed both to healing illness and promoting wellness.

We want to continue to set the example for good health during the 2019-2020 flu season. All YKHC employees will be required to receive the influenza vaccination by October 31, 2019.

Senior Leadership has developed a policy to address the requirements, logistics and other details related to this health initiative. Employees can access the policy on Policy Manager here, the associated procedure here and the declination form here.

Community Flu Vaccination Clinic

The Well-Child and Immunization department conducted a community flu vaccination clinic at the Bethel Saturday Market this past weekend, on October 19, in collaboration with UAA’s Bethel-based nursing students and Public Health Nursing. Together the team administered 128 vaccinations during the four-hour market. Public response was very positive and we had many comments from people who were glad to see us there. Additional community events are planned and YKHC has plenty of flu vaccine available.  Getting your flu shot early means you and those around you are better protected!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is YKHC doing this?

The flu vaccine helps to protect employees from getting the flu while on the job. It also helps employees protect the wellness of patients we may interact with. YKHC is proud to join several health organizations across Alaska, including ANTHC, in requiring all employees be vaccinated for influenza. 100% compliance with the policy is a requirement of The Joint Commission.

What if I am allergic to the vaccine?

Employees with severe (life-threatening) allergies to eggs or to other components of the influenza vaccine, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are exempt from the requirement to receive the vaccine. If an employee is exempt, documentation from a licensed healthcare provider must be sent to

How will I get the vaccine?

Employee Health will schedule a time to provide the vaccine to all departments. If you have questions about when your department will receive the vaccine, please ask your manager.

What if I don’t want the flu vaccine?

Employees will only be exempt from the flu vaccine requirement if they qualify for an exemption as outlined in the procedure:

  1. Only personnel meeting the medical contraindications listed below will be exempt from annual influenza vaccination. Contraindications are limited to specific medical circumstances.
  2. Personnel who meet the requirements of contraindication for influenza vaccination must have a written medical declination completed by a licensed health care provider.
  3. Staff who do not receive influenza vaccination due to a medical contraindication must wear a mask at all times during the duration of the scheduled shift while in patient care areas. This mandatory mask use will be for the duration of the influenza season identified by YKHC.

What if I still have concerns?

Employees with further questions about this change should speak with their manager.

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