Napartet News ARCHIVE

Mental Health Awareness Month

In honor of May’s Mental Health Awareness Month the Behavioral Health Outpatient Department hosted several free community outreach events to help break the stigma of mental health. What is the stigma exactly? It’s the judgment, labels, stereotypes and shame that is attached to having a mental illness or receiving services for mental health problems. Mental health is no less important that one’s physical health and we all must recognize that. The events hosted by BH were to encourage the community to see how healthy eating, physical fitness and open communication promotes mental wellness. Although May is about to end the cause and continued effort to break the stigma does not. Challenge yourself to be a part of the change and help promote mental wellness! Special thanks to all those that supported and participated in the events (YK’s Fitness Center, YK’s Diabetes Department, YK’s Prevention Department, NAMI of Alaska and the Cultural Center).

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