Napartet News ARCHIVE

Employee Spotlight: Florance Therchik

This week, we shine the spotlight on Toksook Bay sub-regional clinic Operations Manager Florance Therchik. She describes herself and shares with us her experience in her own words.

My Yup’ik name is Tumaralria and I am the second child and a daughter of Julia Bill and late David Bill Sr. I grew up in the village of Tununak, relocated to Toksook Bay in March of 1967 during the time when Toksook Bay became a village.  I have 6 brothers and 3 beautiful sisters.  Our late father, David Bill Sr, left us in March 2020, and our very beautiful loving mother, Julia, is still with us.

I love to go fishing (year-round), gather greens, pick berries, just being out in the tundra is a refreshing and relaxing for me and my whole family, as we’ve been taught by our parents.  We also take part in the community yuraq groups, and support the search and rescue groups.

I graduated from Nelson Island School under the Lower Kuskokwim School District, took college courses at University of Alaska Fairbanks and attained my certificate in Rural Human Resources. I also took some trainings courses when I was working in the behavioral health field, and in 2019 enrolled in Charter College and took Business Office Administration, when I obtained my certificate in 2021 and AAS in 2023.

I’ve worked for YKHC intermittently since 1994. My first role with YKHC was Village Alcohol Education Counselor (VAEC) in 1994, servicing the surrounding villages of Toksook Bay. Over the years, my job titles changed to Mental Health Outreach Worker and Behavioral Health Aide. I relocated to Bethel and continued to work with YKHC at the PATC treatment center as a Clinical Technical Assistant, later relocated to Toksook Bay and worked as a Registration Technician for the Sub-Regional Clinic. It has probably been about 18 to 20 years before I returned to YKHC in February 2022 as an Admissions Specialist II, August 2022 as Operations Manager Interim, and in June 2023, I became the Operations Manager for Toksook Bay Sub-Regional Clinic.

The challenges I faced throughout my career have helped me to reach my goals. Challenges in continuing my education while my children were little, leaving them at home in the care of family and at those times cellphones were not available. But I am always grateful that my God has always been there to guide me.  Placing people in my path to guide me, teaching me life skills and never forgetting who I am, my culture, and learning to live the life that is changing, changing with it but never forgetting the teachings that were taught to me.

Florance with sons Daniel (left) and Isidore (right).

Challenges at work have taught me to see what we need to make improvements, the importance of working for the communities/people that the corporation serves, and supporting the “Mission: Working Together to Achieve Excellent Health” has been a driving priority.  I see this drive every day at work. Our TSRC team work hard to meet the needs of our patients. Although we have gone through changes of staffing, being short on staff, the TSRC staff have done their best to serve their patients and they are still striving to do their best.

Challenges can be hard at times, but when we persevere, we personally and professional grow from them.  I pray for guidance to help those who may need the help as God has given me the guidance through many elders, teachers, my mentors, friends, and co-workers, also supervisors.

We at the TSRC goal are always being resourceful. Customer care is important and we all work to make improvements on how our customers can have better access to better care within our community as well as for the surrounding communities, and internally with the corporation. We always welcome our guests and we do our best to make their stay as best as possible.

When I first started my career life, I was sitting in my office with three local elders, all sharing with me the importance of helping my community and to always show respect to others. I learn to always listen to them, watch, and learn from them.  Even the little children can be my teachers.

My late father used to tell me that it will never be easy all the time. There will be days when there are those who will speak against me, there will be those who show their appreciation, and that no matter the situation, I should stay humble and listen and never think I am better than anyone. I have learned to use the wisdom from my dad and from my uncle Daniel, to guide me in making decisions in my personal and professional life. Professionally I’m grateful that I can turn to my fellow colleagues, our supervisor, MCN : ), and HR for assistance.

My personal goals are to live everyday as a new day, take care of my family and my mom as best I can. My professional goals are to fully staff the Sub-Regional Clinic, support the staff with their training needs, and ensure compliance with standards that support the delivery of quality health care.  I also need to work on my bachelor’s degree.

YKHC has given employees the opportunity to help various communities in our region and all the departments are making a difference. YKHC provides excellent pay and benefits. Employees can also receive additional assistance through the employee assistance program (EAP).  YKHC has a wide range of jobs to offer and supports its employees in attaining additional training/education.

For students who are getting out of school and seeking work, I would encourage them to be a part of the YKHC team and expand their horizons. To those 16 or older, YKHC’s Summer Hire Program may be an ideal option for high school or college students who are interested in exploring health careers right in their own backyard.

Quyana cakneq,

Florance P Therchik, TSRC Operation Manager

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