Napartet News ARCHIVE

Happy EMS Week!

“Ready for today. Preparing for tomorrow” 

Please help us take a moment to recognize, appreciate, and celebrate all of our Emergency Medical Service (EMS) responders. 

What does the EMS system look like for the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta? It consists of: Nurse Triage line, Trooper and Bethel Police Dispatch, Community Health Aides, LifeMed, Bethel Fire Department, Village Police Officers, Tribal Police Officers, Alaska State Troopers, Bethel Police Department, Emergency Department, and Good Samaritans like you. 

Our EMS teams respond to patient/s sometimes during the scariest moments of their lives – vehicle crashes, cardiac arrest, loss of consciousness, seizures, stroke, violent attacks. 

COVID-19 added a layer of urgency and worry to their already stressful jobs. Yet they still answer the call. We are grateful to them this week, and every week. 


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