Napartet News ARCHIVE

Safety Session of the Week: Proper Donning and Doffing order of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

In this weeks safety session: The Proper order of donning and doffing PPE.

Donning order:

  1. Hand Hygiene
  2. Gown
  3. Respirator
  4. Eye Protection
  5. Gloves

Doffing order:

  1. Hand Hygiene
  2. Gown with gloves
  3. Hand hygiene
  4. Eye protection
  5. Hand Hygiene
  6. Respirator
  7. Hand Hygiene

Contact your safety team to report any safety issues: Director of Safety and Security ext. 6593 or Assistant Director of Safety and Security ext. 6590. Safety risks can also be reported using the online reporting system, Quantros.

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