Napartet News ARCHIVE

Navigating Market Declines and Volatility

YKHC would like to encourage staff to watch a webinar provided by REDW Wealth on “Navigating Market Declines & Volatility”. Below is a brief description on the webinar from REDW Wealth.

During these unprecedented times, we are all being impacted in our own way.  With the Coronavirus impacting our lives, our health, and the global economy, the financial markets are experiencing extreme volatility.  To address concerns regarding the recent market volatility we have recorded a webinar, “Navigating Market Declines & Volatility”.  In our webinar we address the markets over time and the current market environment.  We also held a Q&A to answer questions from those that attended the live session.

To view the webinar recording, please click here.

For questions on YKHC retirement plan, contact YKHC HR Benefits at, or call Eva Malvich, HR Benefits Manager at 907-543-6096. To contact RED Wealth Principal, Paul Madrid, call 505-998-3249 or via email at

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