Napartet News ARCHIVE

Aniak sub-regional clinic wins tobacco screening contest

The ill effects of tobacco use are known to most of us. In efforts to align ourselves with YKHC’s mission to “Work Together to Achieve Excellent Health,” the Tobacco Prevention & Cessation program coordinated a contest to increase the number of documented tobacco screens at subregional clinics. Aniak Clinic won the four-week contest and was presented with a delightful catered lunch in late June by Specialty Care Administrator Lauren Rabi and Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Manager Victoria Galanopoulos.

Accompanying Victoria was our Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Director Naomi Digitaki, along with three participants who were visiting us as part of AHEC’s Rural Immersion Institute of the North program —Mallory Shingle (Medical Student, University of Southern California); Erin Baginski (Speech Language Pathology Student, University of Alaska Anchorage) and Kristina Stewart (Assistant Director of Public Health Practice/Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of New England).

The visit allowed AHEC to connect with Aniak Clinic Operations Manager Elaine Simeon and staff with plans to facilitate AHEC activities and programs with the clinic and Aniak high school students in the upcoming school year

The visit ended with a stop and a question-and-answer session with the Tribal Council who also shared concerns about the prevalence and increased tobacco use in their community, especially among young people, along with the invitation to return and participate in upcoming community events with emphasis on ways to mitigate the rising incidences of tobacco use in their community.

Much appreciation to the ladies at the Aniak Tribal Council for carving time out of their busy schedules to meet with us and a hearty congratulations to the Aniak Clinic staff for winning the contest! Thank you for your support of the Tobacco Prevention & Cessation and for being such gracious hosts – quyana!

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