Napartet News ARCHIVE

YKHC Healthcare Camp highlights

The YKHC Healthcare Camp was one of four 11-day camps that were running concurrently in collaboration with the Lower Kuskokwim School District from Monday, May 27 – Thursday, June 6, concluding with a celebration event at Suurvik Cinema on the last day of camp.

The students were captivated by the healthcare professionals who shared time with them, from pharmacist Rachael Kruse to pediatrician Lisa Rotelli who gave up part of her Saturday to spend time with the students, along with many others who graciously took the time to ignite interest in the students’ young, curious minds.

Students participated in hospital, optometry and diagnostic/imaging tours and engaged in community service at the Prematernal Home where they tilled soil, cleaned flower beds, refilled flower pots, and assisted with cleaning and rearranging deck furniture, among other chores.

Kristin Stoepler and Jenny Miller from the University of Alaska Anchorage Division of Population Health Science supported the camp with workshops focusing on factors that affect our health and happiness and disease investigation.

Students learned of the many options available to them beyond patient-facing roles to include a security and construction trades overview with Safety and Security Director Romeo Mullao, Construction Superintendent Patrick Harris and Environmental Health Officers Michael Vicente and Jennifer Pak. Attending the Diabetes Dinner/Games event at the Wellness Center, where they played bingo and came away with prizes, was a hit with students.  The dinner affirmed some of the healthy eating principles they had learned from their “Choose Health” workshops with Danielle Craven.

Much gratitude to all the YKHC clinical, non-clinical and support staff for being welcoming as we spent time at the hospital and enjoyed delicious meals and an assortment of drinks and snacks. To our community and academic partners who took time to share, coach and mentor students – we extend our heartfelt gratitude!

Special thanks to Danielle Craven, Taylor Feightner, YK-Delta Job Center, Kuskokwim Campus, Bethel Fire Department, Arctic Chiropractic, and to the staff at LKSD and Yuut Elitnaurviat for hosting some of our workshops and for the support extended to both camp staff and students in the two weeks of fun the camp entailed.

In alignment with our Napartet Strategy to build a strong Alaska Native workforce, our healthcare camp activities provided students with the platform to early exposure and exploration of health careers and a conduit to support the pursuit of health professions as we grow our own workforce!

Some of our students say…

The camp taught me a lot and I really liked our tour at the fire station. I learned about Teens Acting Against Violence (TAAV). I am relearning how to do CPR/First. Taking blood pressure with the nursing students reminded me of the importance of vital signs. I learned about medical math and med terms and about the different departments and health professions at YKHC. I want to work as a firefighter while waiting to get into medical school to become a surgeon.Zenovia Pavila, grade 12 Tuntutuliak

The camp was fun even though I don’t like waking up too early as I am not a morning person. It was fun learning about CPR and about the digestive systems and about diabetes. The salmon at the Diabetes Dinner/Games event was really good and healthy. My 3 career choices are optometry, firefighter or military. The fire station tour was fun because we got to put on the turnout gear.David Nicolai, grade 10 Kongiganak

Spending time at the camp was fun and we learned a lot. The community service we did was the best part of the camp. I liked tilling the garden bed. There was a lot of help needed at the Prematernal Home. Getting CPR/First Aid certified was also the best as it will help me save lives. I want to start working as a CNA and then work my way up to become a registered nurse.Sarah Wassilie, grade 12 Bethel

I learned a lot and had fun at the camp. I loved our tour of the fire station and the work of the EMT. The health professionals helped me learn more about healthcare. I loved the healthy eating class because it helped me to read labels differently, such as deciding which food is more healthy and which ones to avoid. I am still deciding what I want to do when I graduate.Kristy Manchuak, grade 12 Bethel

Danielle Craven “Choose Health” workshop facilitator made healthy, delicious treats and snacks with the students over 6 sessions.
Sarah Wassilie during the “Choose Health” session.
UAA nursing students Venassa Yazzie (forefront) and Danika Bailey (rear) chat with students.
Physician Melissa “Missy “Liner (L) and Resident Physician Abigail Piccolo (R) share their career journeys.
LKSD teacher, Jennifer Bacus, getting students ready for CPR/First Aid Class.
Manager of Diagnostic & Imaging Justin King, demonstrating the use of an x-ray machine.
Under the watchful eyes of their cooking instructor, students prepare ingredients to make delicious moose spaghetti at the Cultural Center which was then shared with our security staff who were working that day!
Students gather for a picture after their 2nd Coping Skills sessions with Lailtrice Graham, Yuut Program Director.
So, this is what it feels like to be in a fireman’s suit!
Students hover with interest over ER Nurse/Rescue Diver Aaron Van Camp’s diving pictures
A Saturday session at Qavartavik Customer Lodge learning about the role of a pediatrician with Dr. Rotelli

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