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Improve log in times and security with LastPass

Improve login times while protecting yourself, your family, and YKHC with LastPass Password Manager and LastPass Authenticator. LastPass is a robust and secure tool that provides easy access to all your passwords using a single master password.

Do you want to avoid typing in various long, complex passwords or passphrases throughout the day? Imprivata is limited to auto-filling passwords for specific applications and websites. LastPass fills the gap and can autofill credentials for the rest of your websites where Imprivata can’t, and it keeps work separate from personal.

It is a convenient password generator that develops strong and unique passwords. It’s exhausting to create long, unique, hard-to-guess, creative passphrases that use a mix of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols. And it’s hard enough to remember one complex passphrase, let alone many.

The average person has over a 100 passwords to keep track of, and a family generally has over 300 passwords. YKHC highly values your security and provides LastPass accounts to its staff and their families for free. We appreciate your commitment to security and encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.

Please email to be one of the early adopters.

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