Napartet News ARCHIVE

Quyayaraq- Expressing gratitude

The Yugtun name of the Thanksgiving holiday describes the state of being grateful. The values of the Indigenous cultures of the YK Delta stem from the knowledge that we are stewards of the gifts that are given to us—our life, bodies, the land, and water. Living from this core concept creates a foundation from which we can thrive and share our abounding joy with each other during this holiday season.

So it’s fitting that in Cauyarvik (Yup’ik name for the month of November), the month of drums, we express our joy through song and dance.

We recognize and express our gratitude to all of our coworkers in this organization, especially those who continue to work during this holiday season in our 24/7 facility, providing excellent care to the people we serve.

Quyana, Dogidinh, Thank you!

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