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Behavioral Health Aide Spotlight – Jason Bavilla

Our Behavioral Health Aides (BHA) are part of the core team of front-line workers that fill a large need in the communities we serve. We feature one of valued Behavioral Health Aides (BHA)—Jason Bavilla. Jason is a BHA II in Tuntutuliak and shares his story with us.

Tell us about yourself.

My name is Jason Bavilla. I am a currently working for YKHC as a Behavioral Health Aide-II in my hometown of Tuntutuliak. I have 4 kids. Nolan 8, Kira 7, Danica 4, Blake 3. I love living a subsistence lifestyle which consists of hunting, fishing, gathering and enjoy it even more when I do these things with my kids. One of my passions include everything related to guns. I know how to build bolt action rifles, AR-15’s, reload my own ammunition, and shoot at long ranges. I love the challenge of taking something that is good and making it better. I love being outdoors hunting, fishing, shooting and anytime it involves my kids I love it even more because I get to make memories with them.

What events/situations led you to pursue your role as a BHA?

I have always naturally wanted to help people growing up. Physically, mentally, emotionally, I wanted to be able to improve the life of those around me near and far. I did youth ministry for about 4 years and did construction on and off for about 10 years. Seeing people everywhere struggle with substances is something that I felt like I could help with. So, when I saw the opportunity within this position that allows me to be trained and educated with helping people I took the opportunity.

 What training/education is needed to become a BHA?

As soon as I was hired as a BHA, I began taking courses and trainings online that would allow me to help my clients to the best of my abilities. There are classes we take through the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) partnering with Alaska Pacific University. We must demonstrate knowledge and skills that reflect we are able to perform certain job duties and acquire a certain number of practicum hours before we are allowed to become certified to provide counseling services.

What is most rewarding in your role as a BHA?

The most rewarding part of my role as BHA is when I am able to help improve the quality of life for those that I serve. To know that the education and training I receive is helping those who are struggling. I also sit on a sub-committee under ANTHC as Chair for the Behavioral Health Academic Review Committee, which oversees all the educational and training materials that BHA’s across the state are required to go thru while working towards certification. To know that I can help improve and motivate other BHAs across the state to do and be better through this platform is also another rewarding role.

How has your work as a BHA impacted you personally and professionally?

My role as a BHA has had a significant impact in all areas of my life. In my professional career the trainings and education, I have received have allowed me to take on responsibilities within my own villages as the Tribal Council Vice President, Advisory School Board Vice President, Tuntutuliak Community Services Association Secretary. All these leadership roles have been attributed to my role as a BHA. In my personal life it has allowed me to have more meaningful relationships with my kids, friends, and family near and far that I would never have gained otherwise. I am able to connect on a deeper level then I thought wouldn’t have been otherwise.

How has your work impacted the communities you serve?

Within my position as BHA, I hold myself to a high standard and continually strive to do better. Which in turn I hold those that come to me for help to a higher standard knowing they can improve their circumstances with discipline and learned tools.

 Professionally, I hold all my coworkers to a higher standard and ask each of them, “How could you do better? How could you be better?” By holding myself and others accountable and being and doing better than expected, I know we can help so many in their times of need. I hope we can be inspired to be the best we could be and help or serve those around us as they strive to the best version of themselves.

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