Napartet News ARCHIVE

Electronic Dental Record (EDR) to be upgraded

YKHC Dental is undergoing a big and exciting change! After over 20 years of use, our EDR is getting an upgrade. 

This software change will be a huge undertaking for our team and, unfortunately, will demand that we decrease our availability for routine appointments for the month of September, as our team goes through an intensive training and implementation of this powerful, new tool. Once transitioned, the Dental team will have a closer connection to the medical team, and we will be given a new opportunity to streamline our processes to create more patient care time. During the transition, we greatly appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to become a more well-rounded team with comprehensive connection to your medical needs. 

Along with this challenge, we will be on-boarding four new dentists who are energetic and passionate about bringing our customers the care they need. Our provider team is in absolute need for their help and we anticipate their arrival with open arms. We will all work together to help them grow in our practice so they can usher in a new wave of dental care for the YK Delta. 

Thank you!

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