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COVID-19 leave and PTO use donation guidelines

We know that these difficult and stressful times present some unique circumstances when it comes to having to utilize PTO or LWOP for employees and their family members who become sick, are required to quarantine, or are having childcare and school needs and challenges.  As we work through ways to address circumstances as they arise, we would like to remind employees of the policies in place regarding travel related COVID-19 health protocols and use of Paid Time Off that can be found in the MCN Policy Manager, including a FAQ: Working During COVID-19 Pandemic page.

We also understand that unexpected situations may arise requiring some employees to exhaust PTO accruals.  In this event, we are sharing the guidelines and process for employees requesting PTO donation specific to COVID-19.  Please note: PTO donation approval and donations will not be the same for each circumstance or employee and this benefit is not guaranteed as it may not be eligible, available, or donations may not be received.  Employees must follow YKHC policy regarding requesting PTO and/or LWOP.

COVID-19 PTO Donation Request Process:

In some cases, an employee may be on leave due to COVID-19 and run out of PTO.  If an employee is on approved COVID-19 leave per policy, he/she may request PTO donations to cover the approved leave time after accrued PTO is exhausted.  

In order to receive PTO donations, the employee must request it from his/her supervisor. The supervisor will send out an email to the employee’s department or division. The email will read: 

“Jane Doe is on approved COVID-19 related leave per policy and is expected to exhaust her PTO balance.  She is requesting PTO donations of up to a total of 80 hours. If you’d like to donate to Jane’s PTO, please respond to this message with the number of PTO hours to donate.”

The supervisor will then save that email response and forward it to payroll as proof. Payroll will transfer those hours to the employee.

Eligible Circumstances:

-Employee cannot work remotely and is required to quarantine due to:

  • A member of the household tests positive for COVID-19
  • Employee is identified as a close contact of a known positive by YKHC’s Incident Command team
  • Employee was required to travel for essential medical or work

-Childcare and/or child education needs when all other options (spouse, family, tutor, babysitter) have been exhausted.

-Employee tests positive for COVID-19 that is not covered by Workers Comp or Admin Leave and is required to stay home:

  • Workers Comp should go into effect if an employee is exposed at work and diagnosed with COVID-19
  • Employees exposed to COVID-19 at work and directed to leave work and quarantine by YKHC’s Incident Command team may be eligible to receive Admin Leave w/pay for up to 14 days or until Workers Comp time loss benefits commence, whichever occurs first.


-Employees can receive up to 80 hours of donated PTO per year.

-COVID-19 PTO donation requests will be authorized on a temporary basis at the discretion of the President/CEO as necessary while the current pandemic is ongoing.

-YKHC offers generous leave accrual to its employees and as such, it is expected that employees be responsible and accountable for managing their own PTO balance.  Employees are strongly encouraged to bank at least 40 hours of PTO during this time to be prepared for unexpected circumstances related to COVID-19.   PTO donation should only be used as a last resort.

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