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More Information on YK Delta Rocks!

Diabetes Prevention & Control is pleased to be sponsoring a painted rock event during the month of September: The YK Delta Rocks! 

To participate in week one: find a painted rock or paint a rock in your community.
Week Two starts on Tuesday, September 8. 
Take a picture of you finding any painted rock or hiding the one you painted somewhere in your community. 
To claim your prize you send the picture and your contact information to  
Remember to stay six feet apart and wear your mask if you encounter people outside of your household on trails. 

Rock painting is an opportunity for kids to practice their fine motor skills and learn their colors all while fostering creativity. 

You can find more rock painting inspiration at

Want to support the event in your village?  Contact Diabetes Prevention & Control @ 543-6133 and let them know you’re interested in having the event in your village and they will help you get started. 

Follow and “like” YKHC’s Facebook page then join the YK Delta Rocks 2020 Event. There will be four challenges throughout the month that require painting a rock and/or finding a painted rock. 
Once you complete the task, you submit a picture and contact information to have your prizes mailed to you. 

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