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Customer Service Tip of the Month: Telephone Etiquette

This month’s customer service tip will explore the importance of professional and polite telephone etiquette. In April’s edition of YKHC’s Customer Service Tips we discussed setting the tone for the customer’s experience through our greetings by smiling, stopping what we are doing, and by being sincere. These are great suggestions when your customer can see you, but what about when they are on the other end of the telephone? How quickly we greet our customers (as well as the words we speak, our tone, and volume) is just as important over the phone as it is in person.

Telephone communication can be a challenge for many reasons. When we are on the phone, we can’t see the customer’s body language or read the environment, two critical factors in clear and effective communication. If our customer is speaking loudly, we might mistake the volume of their voice for anger because we can’t read their body language. If there is a bad connection, and we don’t hear a customer’s question, they might mistake our silence for rude behavior. These are just a few examples of the challenges that lead to breakdowns in telephone communication. The best way to overcome telephone communication challenges is to have good phone manners. This simple suggestion has the power to drastically change the outcome of the phone call. Simply put, good phone manners mean treating others the way you want to be treated.

Here are eight ways you can demonstrate professional and polite phone manners:

  1.    Answer the phone quickly, within the first three rings.
  2.    Answer with a friendly, authentic, and informative greeting such as “Waqaa, thank you for calling YKHC. My name is ____, how can I help you?”
  3.    Smile. Even though they can’t see you, they can “hear” your smile!
  4.    Give information before the customer has to ask. For example, add the name of your department and your full name to your professional greeting.
  5.    Don’t interrupt, even if the customer is complaining! Many times, people just want to be heard. Listening and allowing them to communicate fully demonstrates respect.
  6.    Avoid distracting noises- shuffling papers, moving items around the desk, tapping a pen, etc. These sounds are easily picked up and can interfere with the conversation. Also, never eat, chew gum, or drink while on the phone.
  7.    Ask permission, and wait for the customer to answer, before placing them on hold.
  8.    Quyana! The #1 way to improve your phone manners, is to add “Thank You” to the conversation. This simple phrase can make a world of difference, especially if your customer is upset. Next time a customer shares information with you, try responding with “Thank you for letting me know…” or “Thank you for bringing this to our attention…”. Lastly, always end the call with appreciation- Quyana Caknek

Do you have feedback, suggestions, or ideas on how to improve telephone etiquette? Send an e-mail to and keep an eye out in the Napartet News for more Customer Service topics and tips

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